
The Joy of Giving

2023-11-27 18:16
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.”

Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

2 Corinthians 9:8-11
With the hustle and bustle of the holidays upon us, our thoughts turn to home, family, and friends. Our calendars quickly fill with parties, dinners, concerts, and get-togethers with loved ones. Our shopping lists grow, and our shopping carts bulge with good things for friends and family.

At this time of year, our hearts naturally fill with generosity and the desire to help others. When we count our many blessings, we can’t help but want to bless others as well.

The clear needs of those less fortunate inspire more selflessness and giving during the holiday season than any other time of year.

During this season, our feelings of gratitude here at No More Dirty, Inc., turn to you, our sponsors and friends, the ones who help make everything we do possible!

As you consider ways to end the year right, we humbly ask you to remember our work at No More Dirty, Inc., in your end-of-year giving plans.

Send tax-deductible gifts and donations through PayPal at No More Dirty Inc., or Cash App at $NoMoreDirtyInc, or directly on our website at

Benefits of Year-End Giving

For it is in giving that we receive – St. Francis of Assisi
There are many benefits we receive from the act of giving, such as:

  • Natural release of hormones - giving activates the pleasure centers in the brain. When we help others, our brains release dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. What this means is giving makes us happy!
  • Community - giving unites our communities.
  • Self-Enrichment - giving adds depth of purpose to our lives.
  • Gratitude - giving encourages the spirit of gratitude in us and thankfulness in the one receiving the gift.
  • Leading by example - giving sets a good example for others. When we give, it encourages others to be generous, too!

In whatever way you choose to give back this season, whether it’s a monetary gift, a gift of your time, or both, get ready for all the wonderful ways the gift of giving will come back to you.

Why Should I Consider NMD for My End-Of-Year Donation?

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.--Proverbs 19:17
You may not realize how many lives your partnership with NMD impacts throughout Huntsville and Madison County, Alabama. We are here to tell you we couldn’t do what we do without you.

And what a major difference your donations make!!

Your gifts help us reach worldwide viewers every week through our YouTube channel for The Session Live Talk Show and NMD TV and radio broadcast.

Your sponsorship and volunteering help us transform lives through:

  • Conferences
  • Community movie nights
  • Financial literacy classes
  • Referrals of a variety of services needed in the area for domestic and sexual abuse victims
  • Hosting job and resource fairs
  • Serving as role models and mentors to local young adults

just to name a few.

It’s because of your generosity that we’re able to reach out and touch lives through community initiatives such as:

  • CampSMART, an interdisciplinary youth enrichment camp
  • Greatness Project, an interdisciplinary initiative focusing on the character development of individuals from broken circumstances
  • The Least of These, a community-based educational and economic initiative
  • Good Music & Arts Festival, which celebrates clean entertainment and promotes unity, diversity, and good citizenship

One of our most popular initiatives is CampSMART, where local youth come during the summer for enriching fun, educational experiences with their peers.

CampSMART gives kids opportunities in:

  • Robotics
  • Literature
  • Creative writing
  • Music
  • Video production and editing
  • Art
  • Technology

We have impacted 200 youth through CampSMART and 150 teens through the Greatness Project.

Parents are enthusiastic about the impact CampSMART has had on their kids’ lives.

In their words:

“I wish more people knew about this and could do it. Every child would very much enjoy it. Every child was so engaged…chance to do something unique.”-- Lisa Crockett, mom of CampSMART participant

CampSMART was “a great influence to help them (kids) find their voice in arts…lots of opportunities for these kids. More kids need to have these opportunities and expand their minds.” – Renee Abrigo, daughter participated in CampSMART

We want to thank you for the difference you make in our community by giving to NMD!

It’s Not Too Late to Make a Donation

The end of the year will be upon us in just a blink of an eye, but there’s still time to remember the needy in our community and how your generosity can and is life-changing for them. Your gift can open doors for our youth that otherwise would be closed.

There are several ways you can participate and make a difference.

This year we’re launching our Sponsorship Campaign Drive and are inviting 1,150 individuals to donate just $20 each.

Remember, you make an impact with even the smallest amount because you join with others who are giving too.

No amount is too small, and all donations are needed and appreciated!

As our way of saying thank you, we’ll send each donor of $20 a complimentary digital copy of the Evolution of Frederick Whitlow II, a documentary that explains the man and the vision behind No More Dirty, Inc.

In addition, we humbly ask you to encourage 25 others in your circle of influence to join you in supporting our year-end drive.

Tax-deductible gifts and donations may be sent through PayPal at No More Dirty Inc., Cash App at $NoMoreDirtyInc, or directly on our website at

And, if you might be interested in providing support by sponsoring a program or scholarship for needy youth, we want to be sure you are aware of this need as well. All gifts, donations, and sponsorships are appreciated.

If you can’t give today, we understand, and we ask if you can consider other ways, you can support NMD.

For example, would you consider donating your time as a volunteer, guest speaker, or presenter for one of our initiatives? Would you serve as a role model? Would you pray for us?

In whatever capacity, we’d love to have you work alongside us!

Thank you for your support! What we do is only possible through your donations and generosity! For any questions, you may contact us at

Tax-deductible gifts and donations may be sent through PayPal at No More Dirty Inc., or Cash App at $NoMoreDirtyInc, or directly on our website at

From all of us here at NMD, may God bless you and grant you a blessed and happy Christmas!